The Last One.

The last blog. Well, it's been real. I've learned some of the best and most important lessons in my entire life. I know that there are many things I need to work on and more importantly I now know the process by which I can improve my abilities and capacity to raise a family. We spoke much of the importance of intentionally choosing our family culture. This for me it's so important! Family culture literally makes or breaks a family, and so it does stand to reason that being intentional about choosing a positive family culture is something worthwhile. I do think that making intentional choices, whether interpersonal or in your family is so important nowadays. With so many influences trying to grab our attention it is pertinent that we are 100% intentional in all that we do. 

This semester I learned many important lessons personally. Possibly the most important was making sure that I was taking notes of all the revelation the Lord gave me. As I spoke with others in the class who shared their insights with me, i learned that we had had very strong impressions that somewhat differed listening to the same instruction from the professor. I personally loved you're seeing this because it gave me so many other perspectives. Obviously, no one is perfect, but God is. When we focus on receiving revelation instead of proving the points the Spirit will always be present. As I learned in general conference today, if we have the spirit present in every meeting that is what is truly important. I do feel that brother Williams did a great job of inviting the spirit into every class. I felt like he was concerned about every person and their comments, and he did his utmost best to address each concern. Because each person felt free to speak their mind, there was love and understanding present during his process. I honestly think that he while showing us how to run family discussions. He was the head of the class, yet he offered us opportunities to participate and input. He knew what he was doing, but he spent the time and the effort to make sure that each one of us understood the why behind every single point, I think that this is what God would have us do as parents. 

The best part about finishing something is having the opportunity to reflect and meditate. If I could do this class over again, I would honestly do things different! I would take notes differently, I would study for the classes differently, and I would participate in class differently. But I was not able to know any better until the very last day of my class, i suppose that is one of the reasons why knowledge is so wonderful. It is to be used moving forward and not regretting the past. This applies well to life as well! There are so many people who are struggling and suffering, without hope or joy. If we can help teach them and educate them, I imagine that much of their concerns would be greatly diminished. Children are no different, they are going to struggle and so are we, but if we both focus on constantly trying to get better, we will both be edified through the Spirit if it is present. This is why it is so important to have the Spirit, the spirit will teach us all things as it says in second Nephi 32: 3. The Holy Ghost will show us all things that we should do if we keep the commandments and are true to our covenants. That is the promise that the Lord has given us, shall we always Let God prevail!
