
I hope you liked the thumbnail. I like to always try to keep things in perspective... especially when everything gets blown out of proportion. This article is not meant to offend anyone, but to state what I was able to learn this week and also to help anyone who wants be slightly more informed on the subject. If you have questions on the sources of my article I will leave a listing down at the bottom of many of the sources used. If there is a question that is not answered through the sources, comment and I will do my best to help!

There is an extremely heated subject being debated right now... and that is the subject of gender, and love! There are three main forces in this world, and all three of them are being brought into question in this topic. These three are the forces of Faith, Love, and Sex. As stated in the book, "Think and Grow Rich", these three forces are the main driving force in most or all humans. As the gay rights movement has started to gain influence lately, many have been concerned on what effect this movement may have in thier person lives, whether gay or not. This topic has also been hard to discuss seeing as it makes people rethink or fight for their perspectives on Faith, Love, and Sex. 

While there are many opinions on the subject, there is also much data to be found and should be carefully studied. If anyone is to make a claim on this subject, they must try to be well informed in order to avoid being saying what simply is not, and forming an opinion that goes against their personal beliefs. As I have studied the subject this week, I learned of my own personal opinions and I saw how they were changed as I learned of what actually comprises a homosexuals point of view.

I learned that many individuals who have homosexual tendencies may actually feel like they are struggling or fighting against the feelings of homosexuality and they often feel that being gay is not simply a part of them. They desire to know why they feel the way they feel and if they are just born the way they are or if it is a condition that can be eased or cured! While many people become offended if you call homosexuality a condition, that is exactly what the studies have shown and seeing homosexuality in this way has made it possible for people to look for and find a cure or ease to unwanted feelings of homosexuality.

This is very interesting especially because the media today often draws the conclusion if your are having gay feelings then it is because you were born gay. It also seems to implly that if you are strait but then have gay feelings that you were gay from birth and that you cannot go back to being strait! And even if you want to change you can't do anything about it! However, real life speaks differently though as I learned this week. There have been many individuals who have been living a gay-lifestyle but have had the desire to change and have a heterosexual relationship! They were able to receive counseling and therapy through which they were able to dissipate their homosexual desires, which was their hope. They truly wanted to have a normal family structure in their future and they knew that because of the help they had received it was now a possibility for them! 

The data behind the reasons why many individuals felt homosexual desires were also discussed. What was quite surprising was the fact that many who were experiencing these desire had been traumatized through sexual abuse during their child-hood. This is correlation and does not mean causation but from the research they did notice that a high proportion had these traumatic experiences which had affected them. 
There was also a correlation to high uses of pornography and having these desires. We learned that we everything is sexualized, often times every emotion has to be interpreted sexually, leading to misunderstanding relationships as well as our own feeling. Some patients on learning to control their perspective on a healthy relationship were able to feel alleviated from these homosexual desires, which they said they were happy about. 

These results of change were quite eye-opening to me and filled me with hope for those who are struggling with unwanted homosexual desires. There is hope and help to be had! Remember that God loves you and wants you to be happy. He will help and guide you through your struggles! 

Understanding Same Sex Attraction. 

Thinking Differently about Same-Sex Attraction.

From a Christian Faith; a doctor shares his view on how to help. 


What science can and cannot say


Exotic becomes Erotic

